Monday 14 January 2013

Review - Northern Star Polish

Hi Goddesses

Today we have 4 polishes which the lovely Kristin from Northern Star Polish sent me.  This was a brand I'd bookmarked in my Etsy favourites a couple of months ago as she seemed to make some really interesting glitter mixes, so I was delighted to have the chance to see if they were as good as they looked.

Firstly, the science bit - they all applied effortlessly.  There were no issues, no struggles to distribute the glitter or get a good mix of glitter out of the bottle etc.  It was all easy.

First up we have Kaleidoscope, a really funky blue glitter.   Initially, I thought this was opaque, because the bottle looks so rammed, but actually this is a glitter topper in a clear base.

To me, it conjured up an underwater image, so I layered it over the heaven that is Butter London Sprog.  They complimented each other beautifully, each higlighting but never upstaging the other.

There are several reasons Kaleidoscope is such a winner of a polish.   Firstly there's the shade of blue, just so perfectly bright; then there's the smattering of yellow and red, like buried treasure; and finally, the dazzling pieces, the diamonds and the shimmer, all like underwater bubbles of sparkly stuff.

I honestly couldn't get enough of this.  I've bought quite a few blue glitters in the last year and been underwhelmed by most of them.  This though was a total win for me.

Next we have one from the new Collection - Valentine Schmalentine.  This reminds me quite a lot of Diet Cokehead by Glitzology, but in a different way, and I would challenge whether you need to own both.

Where DC is metallic, VS is pure dreamy creaminess, a lovely lush buttery grey.   This is then dotted with irregular neon pinky-coral pieces, as well as irregular pieces of black.   None of these pieces look metallic though - they almost have a vinyl vibe about them which is very 80s.

No undies for this one, it built to opacity in 2 good coats.

Next we have the green - Mistletoe at Midnight.  I layered this over China Glaze Westside Warrior, and I really shouldn't have.  This is opaque enough to be worn on its own.

This is a metallic limey green glitter soup, drizzled with yellow gold glitter.

As I am sure you are all WELL aware by now lol, I still don't do green, but there is something about this polish that makes me smile.  It's so relentlessly cheerful, and I do like that about it.

Of course, it doesn't like my skin tone *at all*, but don't let that put you off.  I also really like that this has an almost toxic colour to it - it makes it more unusual.

And finally, the one I was most excited to receive - Ligeia.  This is a black and red glitter with micro pieces and some larger pieces.

I've found in the past that these glitters look amazing over red (as they should, and as this one does in Kristin's store) BUT using a red base hides half the beauty of the glitter, so I picked a polish designed to clash with it - Bettina Flip Flops, a gorgeous purple.

Will you look at that clash ??  Isn't it amazing ??  Gah, I couldn't get enough of this.  I absolutely loved the colour shock this created.

Overall, I was really happy with all of these polishes, and I've already got my eye on a few more in the Northern Star Polish store on Etsy which you can access HERE.   You can also follow her on Facebook HERE.

Enjoy xx 

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