Tuesday 8 January 2013

Digit-al Dozen does .... ART ... Geometric

Hi Goddesses

So here we are with Day 2 of Digit-al Dozen Art Week.  Despite my general meh about yesterday's mani, it got a LOT of likes, so thank you for making me feel better about it!

Today's mani I AM proud of.  I am not a patient Crumpet by nature, or a tidy one, so for me to more or less pull off this mani is nothing short of a mani-miracle !!! lol.   I was VERY patient with this tape mani ... although it did start to go slightly wrong towards the end.

This mani was brought to you with ManGlaze polishes.  I still have a few I've never worn, so I thought I would have a little ManGlaze party on my nails, all over my OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls base.

The colours are - 

- dark red - Fatty's Got More Blood
- orange - Butt Taco
- pink - Lesbihonest
- green - Nawsome Sauce
- aqua - ILF
- blue - Royal Matte-rimoaning

My striping tape, as usual, was an eBay special, and this time, I found it easy to use.  Usually, I use the thicker tape as I find the skinny one too fiddly, but for some reason, I didn't have those issues this time.

Tape manis ARE fiddly and they DO require patience, but when they work - wow, they are SO worth it.   You can see there's a little bit of mess on the ring finger nail.  I was really tempted to try and tidy it up when I edited the photos, but I'm happy for you to see it.  Just because I'm getting better, doesn't mean I'm perfect :)

Don't forget to check out the other awe-inspiring ladies - they're are all killing me with their brilliance!  Love xx

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