Tuesday 22 January 2013

NEW31DC Day 22 - Inspired By a Fabric

Hi Goddesses

Today we enter the final phase of the NEW31DC - the Inspiration Phase.   Today's Challenge is Inspired By A Fabric, and mine is inspired by none other than our future Queen - Kate Middleton aka the Duchess of Cambridge.

To be honest, I've had this photo pinned on my "to do" board since the day Kate wore the dress back in October (?).  Something about it screamed "perfect mani" to me lol, and I loved the layering of the design.

This is also my SECOND attempt at this mani.  The first used a stamp but I had dreadful smearing, so this one was born, using some good ole freehand.

The base of this mani is a matted version of Emily de Molly Somber Party, a lovely pale blue with smatterings of fairy glitter.   The squiggles are just me and a dotting tool.  I tried to make them all look a little different.  Do you think I accidentally created a ghost on my ring finger lol ?

So it's not an exact replication, but hopefully it captures the delicate, ethereal spirit of Kate's outfit.

Enjoy xx :)

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