Thursday 17 January 2013

NEW31DC Day 17 - A New Technique

Hi Goddesses

Today is a really interesting day on the challenge - using a technique that's new to you.   I must admit I really struggled to think of something I hadn't done, mainly I think because I tried so many new things on 30 Days of Purple.

And then, a couple of weeks ago, I saw an ikat design on Kayla Shevonne's blog and the penny dropped - THAT'S what I had to do.  Ironically, she's done a tutorial for it today - how weird is that - and you can view it here.

Let's start first with the base.  This is Sation Oh My Oceania, and it's the fault of Let Them Have Polish that I had to track this down and own it.  It is just sublime!

Not only is the shade of blue gorgeous and aquatic, will you LOOK at all that shimmer?  Amazing, seriously amazing.

I now own a few Sations and I love them all - good quality, apply well - and look how super glossy this is too!

And then I did my ikat, using my Models Own striper brushes and Rimmel Shocker, which I chose because it seemed to have the same shimmer as the Sation.

The first thing you'll notice (as befits a first try) is that my ikat is not a total success.   It's got the spirit of ikat, but the design is too big - like it ate a bowl of steroids on it's way to the nail!

My mistake was in making my shapes too big, and then forgetting that they would ALSO be bordered in black.  Sadly, you can't even see Oceania on some of the nails.

Still, I'm glad I tried it.  It's perfectly Crumpet-y in that it doesn't need to be perfect.  In fact, the messier it looks, the better, so I'll definitely be trying this again soon.

See you tomorrow with my oldest untried .... Enjoy xx :)

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