Sunday 20 January 2013

NEW31DC Day 20 - Texture - OPI Liquid Sand

Hi Goddesses

When OPI first mentioned the words Liquid Sand .... I don't know.  I think I reserved judgement, but I'm also pretty sure I wasn't overly excited.  Curious, yes, counting down the days?  No.

Then the swatches started to appear and oooooh ... these look far more appealing than I expected ... and then oooooh more swatches ... and oooooh they look really nice when you gloss them up too .... OMG there's a PURPLE ??? .... ooooooh.

So, here we are, me and the purple Liquid Sand, officially known as Can't Let Go, and I've got to tell you - I LOVE IT, and I was not expecting that to be my reaction.

Let's break it down.  Essentially, these are gritty polishes, and they are not glossy.  However, what all the original descriptions failed to cover was how glittery they were.  So yes, they are dull yet glittery AT THE SAME TIME !

It's an unfathomable combination, but it's sensational.  It reminds me of sparkly shoes where the sparkle has a matte effect, or of Christmas baubles - I know I've definitely got some matted glitter ones.

When I wore it (and it's the first time in I don't know how long that I've worn the same polish on both hands lol) I wore  one hand au naturel with a glossed accent nail, and the other hand glossed, with an au naturel nail.   What I absolutely didn't expect is that I would love the au naturel version more.  A LOT MORE.

So will I be buying the other 3 shades ?  No, but for different reasons.  The dark one with the pink embers in it looks amazing, but will be too dark for me; the blue one ... gah I have too many blues .... and then the lovely reddish one - why have they ruined it with STARS ??  I hate shaped glitter with a passion, and I really wish they hadn't done that.  I'm also interested to see what other colours they release throughout the year.

I'll be showing you the Nails Inc Concrete polishes very soon, and I also have Zoya Pixie Dust on order.  Whilst they all seemed similar, they all LOOK very different.

Finally, my friend Manicurator has loads of swatches of the Liquid Sands AND the Zoya Pixie Dust, so if you want to do a bit more research, she's a good place to start.

See you tomorrow with the intrigingly named Merge or Melt :)  xxx

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