Thursday 10 January 2013

NEW31DC Day 10 - Geometric

Hi Goddesses

Geometric, twice in one week ?   Erm, yeh.  Tuesday's post was for the Digit-al Dozen Challenge, and today's is for the New31DC.  Wouldn't it have made sense to combine them and do them both today?  Yeh, it really would.  And why didn't you ??  Er, I forgot ....?

Lol, silly Crumpet!  I did this mani a couple of weeks ago, totally forgetting that I'd decided to do a tape mani for the Digit-al Dozen - major DOH mo.  So here we are.  This is actually the 3rd version of the same mani, and ironically, you'll see all 3 recyclings in reverse order.

This started out life as 2 coats of Barry M Block Orange, with some ManGlaze Lesbihonest zig-zags.  I then carved up the zig zag pattern with my black striper, trying to create some angular shapes, and then coloured them in with some summer brights - Barry M Blood Orange and Blackberry - and Barry M Silver foil.

Overall, I really like it, and I like the colour palette I used.  The only thing I don't like is how thick my black lines are, and it's annoying, because I even trimmed my striper brush. Maybe I'm just too clunky handed :(

Tomorrow it's .... splatter !!!  You mean 2 splatters in one week ?  Yes.  In addition to 2 geometrics ?  Oh shut up ;P

Love xx

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