Saturday 26 January 2013

NEW31DC Day 26 - Inspired By Your Country

Hi Goddesses

The final days of the NEW31DC are drawing in, and to be honest, today's was a bit of a stumper for me .... until I saw my inspiration HERE.   

Jin's Buckingham Palace soldiers masterpiece was created for a Where In The World Challenge, and was just perfect for today.  As you can see, my mani is not as clean and crisp as hers, and there's a very specific reason for that.

As my base I am wearing one of the new Nails Inc Concrete polishes - this bright slightly-off red is called Marble Arch (all the Concretes will be on the blog in the next week).   Like the Liquid Sands, they're textured ... and as I started to nail art over them, it all went a bit wrong lol.

Because the surface isn't smooth, clean lines were really difficult.  It was like hitting pot holes when you're driving lol.  Nevertheless, the texture does fit with the soldier's uniform, so it's not a total loss.

It is possible to nail art over these Concretes, but not like this, and again, there will be a post on this very shortly.

Enjoy xx :)

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