Friday 18 January 2013

NEW31DC Day 18 - Oldest Untried

Hi Goddesses

Interesting times in the UK tonight - we are about to be attacked by a LOT of snow, which will inevitably make the whole country come to a standstill, just like it does every year lol.  I will be keeping warmish, and painting my nails.  Not going outside bbrrrrrrr :)

Choosing, no FINDING my oldest untried was quite a battle to be honest, and I cannot hand on heart attest to the scientific accuracy of today's choice lol.   I started buying a lot of polish in August 2011, and I ordered these polishes in November 2011 from Rhonni of Ninja Polish, so they ARE over a year old.

This is HITS Twist (blue) and Samba (green) from their flakie range, which I bought in its entirety :)  You've already seen a few of the others on the blog, but these 2 I just never got around to wearing.

I actually like them both, although I would probably wear them more for nail art bases than for a plain mani.  The colour is jewel-dark and intense for both of them, and I personally love how the flakies are integrated into the colour.

Obviously I was going to recycle this mani, so I stamped over it with this pretty pattern from MJ7 (which you can buy from My Online Shop on Etsy).   

I'm not totally sure what this pattern is supposed to be, but it reminds me of a flame decal that you get on sports cars for some reason.

I like that it has this strange wibbly wobbly (technical term) shape :)

See you tomorrow with "your fave polish" :) xx

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