Saturday 19 January 2013

NEW31DC Day 19 - Your Favourite Polish

Hi Goddesses

Happy Weekend!   Today I've had to cheat a little.  I'm not sure if I have an official favourite polish, but if I did, it would possibly be OPI DS Original which I featured in 30 Days of Purple HERE.

It seemed too soon to dig it out again, so I decided to go with the polish that was my favourite of 2011, and which I haven't worn since the day I blogged about it HERE - 13 months ago !!!  Lol.  I also thought you might like to see how my photos have evolved since that original post, and well, who knows if I even agree with what I said back then!

I do remember falling into a deep awe with this polish. It absolutely blew me away, and wearing it again, I just don't know why I haven't worn it in over a year.  It's pretty much perfect - fabulous pigmentation, easy application, deep scattered holo effect.  Yep, perfect.

So what did I say about her back then ?

 I am here to tell you that whatever you have read does not even *begin* to describe the sheer majesty, perfection and awe of this polish.  This is regal, awesome, grand and just damned fine.  Man, this is the polish of all time.

Lol, can you tell I love this polish?  Lol.   There IS something regal about this polish.  I don't know if it's how effortlessly brilliant it is or ... I don't know.  Majestic, definitely.

 Close up the holo is mesmeric – it is a rainbow dance of the teensiest pixies, a mist of holographic dust, the very finest of micro-organisms.  The holo almost seems to float, suspended, between the base coat and my top coat, as if the particles are locked into rainbow bubbles of awesomeness.  This is some serious wow.

The holo in this IS beautiful, and delicate, and integral to the polish itself.   

The rainbow in this is just beautiful, and soooo subtle, again due to the fineness of the particles.  Predominantly, this glows golden, adding warmth to what would otherwise be a cold-hearted purple.  The holo isn’t linear, but sits there, suspended and scattered like a duvet of fairy dust, epic and magical.

Yup, I totally agree.   Wow, I was feeling poetic that day wasn't I - a magical duvet of fairy dust?  Lol.  But it is exquisite.

This is BY FAR the best holographic purple of all time.  Better than Glitter Gal.  ... this is the winner by a country mile, not just because of her overall beauty, but especially because of how deeply pigmented she is – this IS the dark purple holo to end the search of all dark purple holos.

Hhhhmmmm.  I am not sure I agree with this statement.  I own many fine purple holos, and now, I believe that the "perfect" one is whichever one matches the mood you're in on that day.  So there is this one and Wild At Heart by Colour Club which are quite subtle, Glitter Gal and Ozotic that have more of a linear quality, and also some damn fine indie polishes that sit anywhere between those 2 extremes. Love ALL the purple holos!!!

So, what do I feel about Lady of The Lake, right here, right now?  Well mainly shame that I have not given her more love over the year.  She is true beauty.  She's also one of those polishes that if you are short of time, you can reach for and wear, and instantly get a wow mani.

The shade of purple is beautiful - deep, intense, slightly dusty - and that rainbow effect is sublime.

She walks in beauty, this Lady of the Lake, and I still love her LOTS.

See you tomorrow for texture, when I bring you ... OPI Liquid Sand ....  Love xx

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