Wednesday 23 January 2013

NEW31DC Day 23 - Inspired By Nature

Hi Goddesses

If you're a regular reader of my blog, you'll know that one of my goals for 2013 is to not try to do as many posts on the blog and just slooooow it down.  This mani, believe it or not, was created on the 16th September, and I've loved it since the minute I did it.  So why has it taken 4 months for it to hit the blog ?

This was going to part of Autumn Week, which was going to start on 23rd September, the first day of autumn and my mother's birthday.   However, I'd also signed up for the 30 Day Challenge and Digit-al Dozen in September, and then October was just as hectic.  Then November was all about purple and by December I'd pretty much lost my blogging will to live.  So here we are.  4 months later.  My whole reason for slowing down is so that when I create a mani as great as this (and that's just my personal opinion, it's fine if you hate it!), that I don't have to wait 4 months for a slot to open up on the blog.

So what the hell whoooha is going on in this mani then ?  Er yeh .. that'll be where I forgot to take the bottle shots lol.  Whoops!   See, always in a rush!  This started as a base of OPI ... Oktoberfest or Germanicure, I forget which, and then had a bunch of duochromes sponged on it - a splodgerama.

Again, I'm a bit fuzzy on the colours, but I think there might have been a New Bohemian in there, Glitter Gal Fiery Furnace and a couple of others.

The stamp is from LeaLac LLC-B.  I've mentioned before how huge the images are on this plate (and believe me, I have nails as big as a hippo's), and it saddened me that I couldn't get the whole tree on one nail, so you've got aspects of it on the others.

I love the starkness of that black tree.  My goal was to do the nail all the colours of autumn, but have the tree shivering and bereft.  I don't know why, but I find this mani stunning.  There's something about the blend of those colours and then the drama of that tree.

Enjoy - tomorrow we're Inspired By A Game!  Wooooo !!  xx :)

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