Wednesday 16 January 2013

NEW31DC - Day 16 - Colour Opposites

Hi Goddesses

Welcome to Day 16 - the official halfway point of the challenge!  Today is also the 3rd and final time you get to see what I did with Barry M Block Orange.

As I think I've mentioned, colour opposites are really intriguing me right now, and I don't need much excuse to try and combine something that should clash.  Ever since the summer I've also loved the combination of orange and pink, so here we are :)

This mani ended up with a further opposition which I didn't plan - the matte v glossy effect.  For my pink I chose ManGlaze Lesbihonest, which is 1 coat of sublime perfection.  It dries matte (as you see here), but looks equally gorgeous with a top coat, which was my plan ....

... but there was just something so perfect about the colour clash and the texture clash that I couldn't bring myself to top coat it.   

Simple, and effective.  Love it.

Enjoy xxx

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