Thursday 24 January 2013

NEW31DC - Inspired By A Game - Trivial Pursuit

Hi Goddesses

Today's mani is quite a complex one for me, and it's also the one that persuaded me that I needed to invest in some acrylic paints, but more on that later.

Inspired By A Game immediately made me think of 2 things - Twister, and Connect 4.   To be honest, they both seemed quite basic dotticures, and then quite by accident I thought of Trivial Pursuit.

I hit on the idea of doing each nail a different coloured cheese (where's the green? not here!) and then realised I was going to need to do chevrons.  I've done chevrons before.  I'm not awesome at them, but I'm ok.

But here lay the problem with this mani.  Ideally, you would want to do the cheese chevron on top of the blue base.  Except there is no way you would get your cheeses to pop colourwise.  So instead, I had to paint my nail the cheese colours (thanks Barry M) and then chevron (KIKO 335) around them - which as you can see, got a little messy.

I did these with nail tape and I am really annoyed I didn't remember til 2 days later that I had chevron shaped nail stickers which would have done a better job.  Grrrrrr.   So yes, I'm annoyed with the messy lines.  And this is what tipped me over the acrylics line - apparently they would have been opaque over the blue, so soon my lovely goddesses, we will have acrylic nail art adventures!

Green ?  Well, to be honest, green would have matched better thematically (and Barry M Spring Green would have been perfect) but when I play Triv, green is always the one I struggle with, so I thought the mani would be more real without the green, cos I rarely get that cheese ha ha.

On top, I did then some stamping courtesy of the marvellous MJ plates from Meann at My Online Shop.  They are full of quirky images.  Just to be clear, we have - 

- thumb - blue = geography = globe
- index - pink = entertainment = film (Superman)
- middle - orange = sport = checkered flag
- ring - yellow - history = leaning Tower of Pisa
- pinkie - brown = arts & literature = scroll and university hat thing

See, a lot of thought went into this !!!  Lol, tomorrow we have Inspired By Your Childhood and ANOTHER mani I ended up doing twice.

TTFN xx :)

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