Tuesday 1 January 2013

My Favourite Things - December 2012

Hi Goddesses

First and foremost - Happy New Year!!  I wish you nothing but happiness for the coming year - may it treat you well :)

Ok, so this is one of the items off my Bucket List - to do a monthly round-up of my favourite things, not necessarily all polish related.  It's been quite fun actually :)  Let's do the non-polish things first :)


Oh I became a MASSIVE fan of Dexter in December.  I don't know why I had never watched it before but wow oh wow oh wow.  Genius writing and plotting and just brilliant acting - so much so that you forget everyone even IS an actor - they just ARE their characters.  

So in the space of one month I watched 6 seasons - I am now waiting eagerly for Season 7 to come to the UK in a couple of weeks :)


Ah, Homeland has been my other big TV love of the year, and last weekend, the 2nd series finished in the UK.  It gets some criticism about not being realistic, to which I say "shut up, it's FICTION!", but I just love it, again partly due to the superior acting.  I've loved Claire Danes for a LONG time, and she's never been better than in this.

Without ruining it, I'm still not sure what I think to the ending of the 2nd series.   I think they overran it by 15 minutes.  I think it would have made a much better ending if they'd stopped the series while Carrie had her doubts in that small, wrecked room.

Emeli Sande

Music now, and this album I have been pretty much obsessed with for the last 4 months.  You may remember seeing her in the Olympic ceremonies.  Her voice is stunning and pure and with an amazing range, and if I'm honest, I bought her album in the search for something soothing.  What I didn't expect was for it to be filled with uptempo, gospel-tinged soul-searching numbers.  Just brilliant


And this is my other favourite CD of the year.  I love Ben Folds Five, and this CD very much reminds me of them - unstructured, unexpected, harmonies to die for.  A fabulous eclectic mix.


And finally, aw my ickle Bluebelle.  She's such a sweetie, even when she's being a hooligan.  Just super cute, super cute.

And now to the polish!!

Well to be honest, this was really difficult.  For various reasons, I didn't do a lot of polish in December.  Because of all the stress that was going on, there were even days when I didn't wear polish at all.

Despite the pickings being slim, I think these 5 would still have been my Top 5 in an ocean of swatching.

KBShimmer - Berry Christmas

Tinsel in a bottle, but without the hairy bits!  Loved this polish - cranberry, pink-tinged red with oodles of glitter.  Winner.

HARE Polish

I wore HARE polish for most of the month, having bought obscene amounts of it :)  There's lots of HARE posts coming up soon.  In the meantime, 4 polishes jumped out at me as my favourites, all from the Finders Keepers Collection.   Just bear in mind they haven't been cropped yet.


Golden Years

Ocean of Alloys

King of Carat Flowers

Aren't they stunning ?  A full blog post will be coming on them soon.

I hope you enjoyed seeing a Few of My Favourite Things - sorry, bursting into song here :)

Love xx :)

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