Wednesday 9 January 2013

NEW31DC Day 9 - Saran Wrap

Hi Goddesses

Today's mani is a total mish-mash, and a great example of what can happen when you just *play* with your polishes with no end goal in sight.

I've been pretty obsessed with colour clashes lately, so a lot of this challenge has been about mixing intense colours which you wouldn't always see in a mani, and I decided that for my saran wrap mani I would start with pink and green.

Pink and green ?  I know!  But don't they look GREAT together ?  This is Barry M Shocking Pink layered with Barry M Spring Green.  In the bottle, the green is MUCH brighter than it is appearing here, where the pink base is actually darkening it.  

When I discovered this, I was quite sad, but then a miraculous transformation occurred in front of the camera, and suddenly this mani just POPPED.  Love it, love it.

I did this mani at the time I was experimenting with my Born Pretty polishes, and this is what you see on top of the pink and green  - the yellow stamping polish and a flower design from Cheeky CH12.

Pardon ?  Yes, that's right, that weird dappling effect is actually a yellow polish which doesn't look yellow because it's on such a dark base :(

I feel like this mani had secret qualities.  Unless you knew how it had been made, I don't think you'd work out the component parts, and I love that it's ended up this weird mushy mess of awesomeness.

Enjoy xx Tomorrow it's geometric again !  :)

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