Tuesday 27 January 2015

Review - Born Pretty Stamping Plates BP-16 to BP-25

Hi Goddesses

Some time ago, I was sent some Born Pretty Stamping Plates for review, and sadly, it's taken me a little time to get them to the blog because of Christmas, 31DCs and ... life.

Well eventually, here they are!  I was sent BP-16 to BP-25, and here I have designs using 5 of them.  Overall, I was really impressed.  My previous experience of stamping plates from BP has not been good, but that was because they were plates from other suppliers.  This is their own line, and the quality was spot.  The price point is also reasonable at $2.99 per plate, or $15.99 for all 10 plates.

First up BP-17.  This was actually what I wore on Christmas Day.  The base is a plain white, with a dusting of Darling Diva Polish Menage A Trois on top.

I loved the contrast of the purple stamping with the base.

Next up is this interwoven pattern from BP-21.  It looks like a close up of strands of wool.

This is over Above The Curve Coney Island, and I REALLY loved how this one turned out.

Next up, my least favourite mani.  This uses BP-22 and a weaker black stamping polish, because I didn't want the pattern to be dominant.

Sadly, that didn't work very well, and although I like the pattern, I am not a fan of the stamping polish here.

Next, a VERY un-Crumpet-y mani but one I LOVED.    This is BP-19 over Above The Curve Banana To A Party.

I double stamped this with red and white, and I just love how loud the finished version is.  Loving the double stamping too.

And finally, BP-16.   This is a gorgeous and cute plate, and my mani probably does not do it justice.

This is stamped over Above The Curve Sirius Black.

All in all, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend these plates.  In fact, I'm even debating buying some more!   These plates were sent to me for an honest review, and can be purchased HERE.  Don't forget to use my code for 10% off - LPL91.

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