Friday 11 January 2013

Digit-al Dozen DOES .... Art ... Japanese Screenprint

Hi Goddesses

Phew!  Digit-al Dozen FINISHES Art Week more like !  Lol.  It's been a tough one, but often those are the best, and I have done my best splatter and my best tape mani this week, so it wasn't a total loss.

I'm ending with a mani I'm a bit 50 / 50 about, and as usual it's my striper brush that makes me unhappy, but we'll get to that.

So this was inspired by this random picture, which reminded me of Japanese screen prints / silk screens.  I started with my beloved China Glaze Traffic Jam, wherein lay the first problem - I think it was too dark.

I then added my branches, and tried very carefully to line my nails up.  The brown came from an Orly Instant Artist striper.  The orangey stripe is CG Papaya Punch and my striper brush, which I thinned to make it super skinny - and I still get these thick lines.  I think I need to put in a lot of practice with my stripers, as I'm just not getting the results I want.

After that, I dotted the blossoms using OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls and Barry M Gelly Blackberry (because red wouldn't show against the too-dark pink I used).   I finished with a matte top coat, which really adds to the Japanese silkscreen feel.

A lot of other people liked this mani.  As I said, I'm 50 / 50 about it, mainly because it didn't turn out how I wanted to.

Oh well, what a hard week over.  I hope you enjoyed !!  Lots of love, and have a great weekend xxx

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