Sunday 13 January 2013

Crumpet Amateur Nail Art Contest - Important Update for Participants

Hi Goddesses

Thank you to everyone who has entered the Crumpet Amateur Nail Art Contest.  It's the first time I've done it, and sadly, I've encountered one or two teething issues which I just need to update you on.

It looks like you can't keep adding entries once the voting is live.  I activated the voting on Friday, and it is no longer possible to use the Add Your Link button to post your entry. I'm really sorry - I didn't realise Inlinkz had that kink.

Sadly, for January it will mean that the only entrants are the ones who have already added their entry.  If you were planning to enter and haven't yet, I'm really sorry, you will need to hold it til February, but I WILL allow you 2 entries in February to compensate.

Apologies to everyone who was still planning to enter - I'll make the necessary adjustments for next month.

Lots of love xx
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