Monday 21 January 2013

NEW31DC Day 21 - Merge and Melt

Hi Goddesses

Today is Merge and Melt day, and what may that be, I hear you ask?  Well, it's basically an excuse to mix polishes, any way you choose - water marble, splatter, gradient, tie dye, splodgerama - anything goes!

I decided to bottle out of the water marble and do a gradient I'd planned for a long while - red and purple.  In the end it was chunkier than I expected because of how I did it, so I might have to do a "smooth" version at some other point.  Anyway,  I do still really like how this turned out.

For this I used 2 of the Barry M Gelly polishes.  I started with 2 coats of Blood Orange, and then sponged some Blackberry over it.  I didn't sponge both colours on, which is why the shift in colour isn't super subtle, but I do still really like the effect.

I topped it off with one of those polishes everyone should own - Northern Lights by Out The Door.  For those of you that don't own it, it's a clear top coat with the finest smattering of holographic particles floating in, making it a twinkly fairy dream :)

Enjoy - and I'll see you tomorrow with the first of our Inspiration sequence - Inspired By A Fabric - ooooooh!  xx

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