Friday 15 November 2013

Digit-al Dozen DOES Black and White - Layered Dots

Hi Goddesses

And welcome to the end of Digit-al Dozen Week.  It's been a strange theme, this one.  Whilst I'm really chuffed that it forced me to focus on the pattern, I can't really say that I LOVE anything I've done.

I'm also proud that unlike some of my friends, cough cough, I haven't used any other colours - until day, when I went wiiiiiiiild and pulled out a grey lol (KIKO 329).  

This also happens to be the first mani I did - as told by the unbroken ring finger nail lol.   My aim here was to do some cool layering, and it more or less works.

I got over ambitious on the middle nail, and thought my dots would look great over a gradient - turns out, not so much.

I love the randomness of this mani, and I can't wait to try it in other colours for a future DD theme.

I hope you've enjoyed this week, and that you're also taking time to check out the official DD blog HERE.   Just look at some of the things we've covered in the last few weeks - 
How To .... Tape Manis
ALL The Stamping Plates
A Dozen Easy Nail Art Patterns
A Dozen Nail Art Tools

Seriously, it's a whoppingly good read :)

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