Thursday 21 November 2013

#33DC Day 24 - The Colour You Own The Most Of ...... ooooh, toughie .....

Hi Goddesses

Wow, is it Thursday already?  That's such good news.  I can't decide if I'm in a blogging funk or not.  Each night, I have less and less motivation to write these posts, but I have so many pretty polishes and patterns and ideas in my head.  Maybe I just need a little rest and then it will all spill out deliciously.

I think I'm also really disappointed with the manis I've created for this challenge - very few of them have made my heart sing, so perhaps that's why I haven't wanted to post stuff.

Now ... wow, today was a tough one!  My colour I own the most of ... lol.  Undoubtedly the purples.   I was going to do something using several purples, but that then ruins my plans for another prompt, so instead I pulled an untried from my pile.

Now, as far as untrieds go, NARS Purple Rain is pretty criminal.  It's one of those legendary polishes that make it on to pretty much every purple lover's list.  

In the bottle, I was a little underwhelmed, but once it's on the nail, you can totally see why it has such a reputation - sparkly, dark and rocking!

The base purple is deliciously dark, like plum skin, but it's the insane fuchsia dancing glitters that I love in it.  Although this is a smooth creme gloss, the macros show a fabulous level of texture to the colour that is truly a work of art.

Oh, and if you live in the UK, you'll recognise it as the purple of Cadburys haha.

Once it was on though, I had a dilemma as it seemed to pure to art over.  In the end, I reached for one of my very very very few MoYou plates (cough) and picked this dandelion design, and a smaller print from MoYou Pro Collection 12.

On a tip off from Nory of Fierce Nails and Make-Up, I stamped with OPI This Gown Needs A Crown from the Miss Universe Collection.  It's a very sparkly silver and I am beyond excited that it stamps.  All of my silver stamping has felt dull lately, but not now, not with this baby.

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