Thursday 28 November 2013

Crumpet Reviews - Too Fancy Lacquer Champagne Cocktail

Hi Goddesses

Ok, this is *half* the post you've been waiting for :)  I know a lot of you are eager to see how glorious Champagne Cocktail is on the nail.  If that's you, tonight's your night.

I know another group of you are DYING to see how it stamps.  If that's you, tonight's NOT your night, but you should be happy by the weekend.  Oh, and by the way, the answer is - "like a champ".

In a word, Champagne Cocktail is spectacular.  I wasn't really expecting to like it, as gold is a colour I never wear except for nail art, but this is some very special gold.

CC is a gold to copper holo, opaque in one coat.  There's a duochrome quality to it too - look how it flicks rose gold in some lights, and cools to lemon in others.

I adore the photos of this polish, and can't stare at them enough.  This is going to be on my nails a LOT over the holiday period.

If you haven't yet, you can buy Too Fancy Lacquer HERE and follow on Facebook HERE.

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