Monday 25 November 2013

#33DC Day 28 - LINES - Mentality Nail Polish Tapeless Mani

Hi Goddesses

You may remember me whinging last week about how disappointed I am with most of what I have done for the #33DC so far, so I decided to up my game tonight!

I reached for one of the gorgeous Mentality Nail Polishes I ordered / was sent for review weeeeeeeeeks ago, and picked Brute, a sensational royal blue.

You've not seen as much as you should have done of them yet, but the Mentalitys really are something special, especially the mattes, which are one coaters AND even more extraordinary with a gloss coat.

Making a great matte polish is a wizardry very few understand, and it's a sign of a great one when it looks just as good both ways.  It also floors me how much light is contained within such a "dead" texture - wizardry indeed.

I then decided to add my lines with another Mentality - Enlighten.   In the bottle, this is a pale copper holo, but on the nail there's a lot of gold to it, like a rose gold.

I used my thinned out striper brush, and it was a while before I realised I had created the patterns I usually do with tape.  Hahah - behold the tapeless mani!

I think these colours play well together, and I'm really digging the index finger.  There's something quite medieval about them too.

There will be a lot more Mentality on the blog over the next few weeks.  I am finding a lot of these polishes match my gothic mood right now.  If you're looking for deep saturation, look HERE, or if you're in the UK HERE.

(This product *might* have been sent to me for review lol - I bought some and was sent some and got all confuzzled.  Dizzy Crumpet)

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