Tuesday 12 November 2013

#33DC Day 22 - 3 Colour Gradient + Pattern aka Excuse for Lilypad and MoYou!

Hi Goddesses

As with so much of this #33DC
a) today's post is late
b) it features Lilypad Lacquer - 3 of em, to be precise
and c) it features another MoYou London awesome stamping plate!

How much do I love Lilypad Lacquer?  A lot.  Not only has Nicole made me want to buy green, it's probably the only brand where I *could* make a green gradient!

I have 3 greens on show here, not that you'd notice.  My Enchantmint is lovely and subtle, and Emerald City is like black Irish.  In the middle, we have Global Greenie, which is gorgeous in its own right, but struggles to stand its ground against Emerald City.

They were then stamped with this great pattern from MoYou Pro Collection 05 - a beautifully detailed leafy pattern.  I stamped using an unknown Konad I got in a kit which is a super dark olive, and just worked perfectly.

I love the wide open spaces in this pattern, and how they allow the polishes to shine through.

Don't forget to checkout all the other #33DC girlies xx

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