Friday 8 November 2013

#33DC Day 21 Europe

Hi Goddesses

How are you all?  I've been dreadfully neglectful of you all this week.  Real life intruded and I spent most of the week prepping for an interview I had today.  I've no idea how I've done, but it was a LOT harder than I thought it would be :(

So, that means I have a lo-hot of blogging catch up to do.  I have polishes to review, Digit-al Dozen manis to do (I only have one prepped for next week) and a whole mountain of posts to share with you. You'll also notice I am posting Day 21 of the challenge before Day 20 lol - so that's coming at you *really* soon.

I have to admit, I was a bit stumped for this mani, and whilst my Cheeky Jumbo plate for Europe did help me out some, I've ended up going for something very piecemeal, rather than something with a better overall theme.

Each nail depicts a different country -
index - Venetian Ball - Venice, Italy
middle - Paris, France, Eiffel Tower
ring - Holland, tulips - a great MoYou pattern
pinkie - London, England - Big Ben against a dreary British sky

For me, this is one of those manis you often end up doing in a challenge - it fits the theme, and that's as kind as you can be about it :)

See you soon for lots MORE xx

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