Wednesday 14 December 2011

Day 14 - Lazy Christmas Tree mani


Day 14 – Christmas Trees

Hi Goddesses

I hope you are all getting in the festive spirit.  I am still a little bit bah humbug but hopefully a week of hols next week (and a lot of Snowballs) will get me in the mood.

Christmas Trees was one of the manis I was really looking forward to, and I had sooooo many ideas, but do you know what happens when you statrt doing one of these challenges ?  you start looking for shortcuts!  It’s so time intensive that you look for ways to recycle manis or add a little bit more to your manis, and before you know it, you end up with this ….

This is SUCH a lazy excuse for a Christmas tree, but to be honest, I also couldn’t face using CG Starboard again either!  So this is my magnetic Ego Green, which I thought looked a little like branches, with some simple red and silver baubles.

How easy was that ?  I know, and I feel like SUCH a cheat, but hey, it’s MY challenge and if I want to cheat, I will J

Festive love xx J

Enjoy xx J


Top Tip – if you’re ever unsure what a nail colour looks like, go to Google images, which will give you plenty of contrasts and compares.

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