Top Blogger
of the Year – 9 & 10
So I love “Best
ofs” at the end of the year. Love
compiling them, reading them, discussing them, getting into passionate debates
about them.
The good
news? There are a few coming up ….
This one, I
plan to run over a few days because I want to feature some of the work of the
people I can’t go a day without reading.
So these are the bloggers who means the most to ME. The ones I MUST SEE if I’m in a hurry, the
ones who inspire ME and the ones I would love to emulate. To stress the obvious – these are my personal
choices. I’m not even polish friends
with any of these bloggers, but they are all awesome.
One final
word – as ever, there were a ton of people who could have rounded out the Top
10. Mostly they are bloggers who have
started late or who I have come across late, and so I haven’t been on a very
long journey with them yet. Regardless
of whether you agree or disagree with me, sit back in awe as I tell you about
the first 2 ladies.
blog passed me by for part of the year, but lately, she has really started to
stand out from the crowd for me.
I loved her Reindeer
Her penguins
She made me drool over a HITS colour I NEVER would have chosen -
and this .....
and this ......

I also love that she's got a sense of humour!
Next we
have Sammy at The Nailasaurus. Sammy
was someone who didn’t stand out from the crowd for me until she did the 31 Day
Challenge. There’s just something about HAVING to be that creative that can
bring out the best in people.
also what I would consider my polar opposite – she seems like a perfectionist
(her manis certainly always seem perfect) and she clearly thinks through what
she wants them to look like. You can see
the results of that hard work on every nail.
So over the last couple of months she’s brought us some legendary manis
such as ……






And there you have it - Sarah and Sammy, 2 VERY talented ladies.
Stay tuned over the next week as I count down to my VERY favourite blogger.
Enjoy xx:)