Top 10
Polishes of 2011
So in my little end of year round up, I
thought it would be fun to pick out my favourite polishes that have been
released this year.
It was actually a really hard task as I only
got back into polish this year, so everything I have has technically been
bought this year. Also, whilst it’s
really easy to track the collections of the big brands – Zoya, OPI – I have
found it harder to work out when some of the US drugstore polishes like Wet n
Wild and Sally Hansen were released, so for that reason alone, the list is
brand heavy.
I *think* these have all been released this
year, but may be wrong on 1 or 2. Either
way, these are all classics, and are in no particular order. Where I have also done a blog post, you can
follow the hyperlink.
Enjoy !
xx J
A-England – Lady of the Lake

Unbelievable polish. Superb brand, application and quality. A smokey purple holo dream of a polish.
A-England – Guinevere

Another A-England masterpiece, this one a serene
swirl of lilac bliss.
Glitter Gal – Red

Glitter Gal’s red holo is my favourite red
holo of them all – so far! Superbly fine
in it’s particle size, this is a red-holo lover’s dream.
Wet n Wild – Tangled In My Web

This is the year I discovered glitter, and
yet my favourite glitter of all isn’t even glittery. I totally fell in love with the simplicity
and gothicness of this amazing drama queen.
OPI – Planks A Lot

Superb application, looks like a pearl,
fabulous lilac.
Orly – Fowl Play

Aka when Orly duped OPI’s Merry Midnight …. But
better J
Zoya – Neeka

a lovely dusty gold-flecked purple ....
Fashionista Magnetics – All Fired Up Red

Magnetics were THE discovery of the year – so
far, this is the only brand I know of brave enough to do a red … and pull it
LA Girl – Glitter Addict – Celebrate

THE perfect purple glitter. Amazing, just … wow.
OPI – Animal-istic

My unexpected favourite of the Muppets
Collection – a multi-textured triumph.
Of course, this is only fun if I you now tell
me yours J what
were your favourite releases this year ??