Friday 23 December 2011

Crumpet's Blogging Top 10 of the Year - 6 & 5

Crumpet’s Top 10 Bloggers 2011 – Nos 6 & 5

Hi Goddesses

Today I bring you the halfway point of my favourite blogegrs of 2011.  Remember these are MY personal favourites, and the 10 people I would read if I literally only had 10 minutes spare.

Number 6 – Rebecca Likes Nails

Rebecca came to my attention very early on in my blogging career when she created something called a “franken”.  I had no idea until then that frankens existed and BAM – just like that she opened a whole new world to me.  Added to that, the franken she created – Rebecca Likes Cupcakes – was full of lilac wonderness and truly gorgeous, and so my love of all things Rebecca was born.

Rebecca doesn’t blog that often – a couple of times a week – but what she does is always original.  She’s good at wanting to know what happens if you mix this glitter and that glitter, or layer this and stamp that.

Nothing that she does looks terribly difficult or hard to think of – but if it were really WERE that easy, we’d all be doing it already!

Number 5 – The Polishaholic

Drum roll please for the swatching Queen!!

Jen’s blog is a masterpiece.  Every polish is perfectly applied, every photo is stunning, there’s no extra guff or fluff – it just tells you what you want to know.

Now, before I go any further, let me clarify this, because I know it will get asked.  I have chosen Jen, but you won’t find Trace Face or Scrangie on my Top 10 List.  Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?  Really.  Only because if you have limited time, you can’t really afford to spend it looking at 3 almost identical blogs.  For the most part, each of those 3 are swatchers.  They don’t really do art, and whilst Jen does the occasional splatter and Trace has been dabbling a bit too, primarily you go to them for swatches.  And I decided I only wanted 1 pure swatcher in my Top 10.

So why did I pick Jen above the other 2?  Well, altho Scrangie IS a god, 2 things annoy me about her – she has no Facebook page, and she always puts her watermark right across the centre of the photo.  Totally understand why she does it, but visually it just ruins it a little bit for me.

Jen and Trace are very similar in what their blog does, but I have found that it’s usually Jen who posts swatches of what I want to see WHEN I want to see them, and that more than anything, is why she stands out for me.  When a new collection comes out, I want to see it swatched STAT lol, and Jen comes up trumps on that.

So sit back, and enjoy some of her masterpieces, and the 2nd most famous hand pose in the blogosphere ….

I am hoping that tomorrow I may have the next instalment, but it’s highly possible it will be after Christmas, as I’ve a trifle masterpiece to make tomorrow.

Hope you’ve enjoyed, and feel free to comment, argue, discuss and disagree J

Festive love xxx  J

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