Saturday 28 December 2013

Crumpet's Nail Art of the Year

Hi Goddesses

Today's post is a round-up of some of the favourite nail art I've done this year.  I'm doing this post partly for posterity - to prove I *did* have some great moments - but also as a reminder that I always need to be at least this good.  Personally, I feel my art took a nosedive at the end of 2013, so this post is also to keep me on my toes!

As ever, if you want to check out the mani and how I did it, each title is hyperlinked.

Gradient Dotticure

I love the simplicity of this, and however many times I see other people do it, and whatever colour scheme it's in, I always love seeing this type of mani.

Version 2

Tri Polish Leopard

This is probably Beth's favourite mani of the year.  We were watching Netflix together in the nail room, and when she happened to see what I'd done, she just put her paw out and said "mine".  Lol, she rocked it too.


There have been a lot of Dexter manis on the blog this year, but this is probably my favourite.


Yay!  Actual art!  This was one of the first times I used acrylic paints, and I really feel I got a better result.  Well chuffed with this little guy :)


Gah!  I was soooo proud of these.  This was my first attempt at roses, and I've done several more since.

and Neon Roses


I adored these dotted poppies - so simple, but just gorgeous.

For The Love of Harry Potter

I've done a lot of HP manis, but this is probably my favourite. Again, I don't think I could have managed to do Harry without acrylic paints.

Barry M Polka Dots

This is without doubt YOUR favourite mani of the year.  This got shared a LOT, and I am so proud of the reach it had.

Reciprocal Gradient

Yes, they're a faff to do, but they look soooo pretty.

Neon Tape Mani

Neon ruled my summer, and I loved this tape mani.

Neon Swirls

And these swirls!  Happy mani!

Rasta Nails

Another super popular mani, this just BEAMS happiness.  Mind you, gradient ANY 2 colours and then add a black and white topper and I think you have instant magic.

Coral Cow Print

I loved the brightness of this design.  Winner.

Barry M Texture Tape Mani

Super elegant.  I love texture and tape.

Distressed Nails

I love anything that involves splodging and merging colours.

Michelle's Top

Proving that you can take inspiration from anywhere :)

Christmas Waterfall

I love the mix of colours here - super festive.

I hope this covered some of your favourites too :) xx

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