Thursday 26 December 2013

2013 Crumpet Readers Poll - Swatch Blog of The Year

Hi Goddesses

Being a swatcher is a TOUGH gig, and I really don't think most blog readers / casual polish fans realise how much work goes into it.

Just bear in mind, as we celebrate your favourite ladies (who can make ANY polish look good) that they are each probably spending a minimum of 30 hours a week on their blog - IN ADDITION to a full-time job, a family etc.  So, these ladies have my utmost respect.

Let's check who you loved last year - 

3.  A tie between Chalkboard Nails, Fashion Polish, Pointless Cafe, and Let Them Have Polish

2.  The Polishaholic

1.  Scrangie

To everyone who voted for me, thank you, but I deleted myself from the final line-up.  

In third place, we have Scrangie.  It's a sign of how much you love her that she has even featured on this list, as she has had a very quiet year.

In 2nd, Sheila from Pointless Cafe.  I know Sheila fairly well and I honestly do not know who she does it lol.  Not only does she post more than me (takes some doing), but she also finds time to do comparisons.  She swatches mainstream and indie, and I think she's a genius at layering glitters over the right base.

And in first .... the amazing Jen from Polishaholic :)   And she's not just your winner, she's your winner by a MILE, with almost 3 times as many votes as 2nd place.

 Jen is lovely, and incredibly hard-working.  I did some blog catching-up last week, and every day she had posted a collection - so that's 7 days when her blog featured at least 6 polishes.  I don't know about you, but there's no way I can swatch 42 polishes in a week!  I think she has Hermione's time turner .....

Jen's blog is so professional.  Clean design, simple photography and - crucially - you know what you're going to get, namely the polish in light and shade, a good summary of the polish, and Jen's HONEST opinion of the polish.  Considering she's one of THE most established bloggers, I respect how much polish Jen still buys, and I think this gives her a real polish lover's freedom to express her opinions.   Oh and her comparison posts ROCK.

Well chosen Crumpeteers - you can find out MY Swatchers of the Year in a couple of days xx

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