Tuesday 31 December 2013

2013 Review - Blogs to Watch in 2014

Hi Goddesses

Today's post is dedicated to the future, and I've picked some of my favourite blogs that you may not be aware of.   A lot of these ladies are in Crumpet's Nail Tarts, and that's where I've cooed and cawed over their amazing nail art skills.  I predict great things for all these ladies in the next year, so start following now!

In no particular order ..... AND with links to their blogs, here are the Blogs To Watch in 2014.


Christmas Winter Challenge 2013 Day 2: Winter nature – abstract dotted blue trees using Barry M Blackberry, Blueberry, Blue Grape and Turquoise

I am in love with the simplicity of Claire's blog.  She uses an identical hand pose each day, making her work instantly recognisable AND she does the simplest, purest nail art.  Effortless.

Nuthin But A Nail Thing

polka dot nail art

tribal nail art barry m nail art pens

vintage flower nail art tutorial

Another Claire, this one is obsessed with gradients and leopard print!  Claire has some serious skills, but it's her ability to mix great colours and conjure endless variations of similar (doable) patterns that I most relate to.

Finger Food

Sam, ah, I just love Sam's nail art.  Again, simplicity rules, as does colour.  Her blog always makes me smile.  And sigh.  I have nail art envy :)


Mina's blog is always a colourful and happy place, bursting with simple inventiveness.  She's my daily dose of sunshine :)

Paulina's Passions

Christmas Nail Art
Roses Nails

Paulina's blog has been one of my favourites for a while.  It's simple (notice a theme here?), classy, too elegant for words, and just pure nail art heaven.  My blog will be this good when I grow up.

Polished Elegance

Pink skittle manicure mani nail art OPI - DS Extravagance

one stroke roses nail art one stroke flowers manicure A England - Briar Rose nail polish

pink mint chevron nail art pink mint nail art hot pink mint white nail art nail polish manicure chevron nail art manicure

Very similar to Paulina, Lisa's blog is elegant, simple, and a LOT of nail art heaven.  She puts together great skittles, and knows the value of a beautiful rose mani :)  I love the vintage feel to her blog.

The Dalai Lama's Nails

The Dalai Lama's Nails: Neon Summer Tie-Dye

The Dalai Lama's Nails: Abstract Pinks

Hannah's blog is one I have come across recently and been blown away by her use of vibrant colour.  It's big and it's bold and I love it!

Vic and Her Nails

Vic's blog is another explosion of colour and ingenuity.  Again  - simple patterns, brilliantly executed.

A Little Polish

Stephanie's blog is my final pick.  Again, she makes everything look effortless.  Her nails are a gorgeous length and she's inventive with her stamping.

I hope you've enjoyed my picks - and ladies above?  Bravo, bravo xx

Monday 30 December 2013

Crumpet's Ultimate Favourite Polishes of 2013

Hi Goddesses

This counting down and rounding up stuff is HARD.  Originally, I had a Top 10 Polishes of the Year, and the more I looked at it, the more I wasn't sure if it WAS my Top 10, or just a random 10.  So I started again .....

That left me with 19 polishes lol, but cunningly, 13 brands - so here, in alphabetical order only - are my 13 of 2013, and I *will* reveal my favourite polish of the entire year at the end.

Cadillacquer - Cute Poison

I *almost* chose The Dark Defender as well, but this is definitely my favourite Cadillacquer polish of the year.  Fabulous shimmer, glorious speckled glitter.  Ugh, dying.

Chirality - The Sinking Belle

Pure, serene gorgeousness.

Darling Diva - RuPaulogize

This only arrived on Christmas Eve, else it would definitely have been my Orange of the Year.  Blindingly jaffa-shimmer-tastically gorgeous.

Jacava - Blueberry Muffin

The perfect lilac creme.


Bubble Yummo

Pinks don't come any hotter than this.

Ruby Slippers

If you want to buy just *one* red holo, this is your girl.


Greatest Treasures

Technically released at the end of 2012, this burnt orangey coral holo is one of my very faves of the year.

If It Pleases You

A stunning purple holo - this is the polish that heralded the moment Amy "arrived" as a polishmaker.

Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster

Colour?  Check.  Holo?  Check.  Flecking?  Check.  Perfect?  CHECK.



This super bright blue is so versatile.


She made me love a dark green!


An utterly glorious dark red.


Can't Find My Czechbook

The perfect turquoise.

My Vampire Is Buff

I am sure this has a whole chapter to itself in Nail Art 101.  The perfect base polish.

Smitten Polish - Naiad

Glorious blue with sublime shimmer.

The Polish Bar - City of Lights

Dark, devious teal holo - magnificent.

Too Fancy Lacquer - Champagne Cocktail

Not my favourite *colour* by this brand, but utterly exquisite in its composition, this is the one I've been wearing most - it stamps majestically.

w7 - Fuchsia

Cheap as chips and bright as the sun.  No summer is complete without it.


These polishes seem to have dropped off a lot of lists, but the Color Club Halo Hues have been amazing.  All of them are gorgeous in their own right, but they stamp like champs too.

Literary Lacquers - Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster

Definitely my faovurite polish of the year, this just takes my breath away every time I see it.  Pure of colour, perfect tone, holo to die for, and a little bit of flecking for added magic, it just DOESN'T get any better than this.

Woof!  I'm exhausted by the awesome, are you?  I think 2014 will be even better - I am more excited about polish now than I have ever been.  May the polish odds be forever in our favour xx

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