Saturday 10 September 2011

Franken Time - Pink Day's Night

Nail Fun

FRANKEN TIME – Pink Days Night, by Beth, aged 8 and ¼
Aka the Candy Shop dupe J

Hi Goddesses.   This is possibly the cutest post I will ever write, and one that was really fun to create.  Last Saturday Beth and I had a franken session and created 3 polishes.  We did 2 for me, and this one for her.  The aim was to create something indescribably girly and pretty, and I think we succeeded.

In the back of my mind, I admit, I wanted to dupe Deborah Lippmann’s Candy Shop.  It’s not a colour I would normally wear, but I knew Beth would love it.  Beth had the time of her life creating it, shaking it, assessing it, and instructing me when *more* was definitely required J

We have ended up with something girlie, pretty, cute and which just screams HAPPINESS.  It makes me smile just looking at it.  So we have a semi-opaque bubblegum pink with 2 types of glitter, which as you layer it creates a glitter sandwich. 

Recipe wise, here are the ingredients we used – each of the bottles was full when we started, so it gives you a really good idea of how much we used.   The starting potion is the triangular bottle – this is a really cheap and nasty UK brand called La Femme, which you get on market stalls for £1, however, it's really good as a cheap ingredient for frankens!  This is a sheer swirly fuchsia crammed with micro glitter called Cosmos.  We used just over a 1/3 of the bottle.

Next we have about 1/8th of a bottle of Milani Gems, acknowledged as one of the best Happy Birthday dupes.  This is full of multi-coloured and multi-shaped glitter in a clear base.

Finally, the pink we used was Color Club’s In Bloom.  This is a really pretty pink, nice and light and super-girly, not at all the sort of colour I would wear on its own.  I bought it mainly to use as a good mid-colour for gradients.  I like the purity of this pink – it’s subtle, but it’s PINK.  There’s no brownyness or whiteness going on.  It’s hard to see, but we didn’t use that much.  I’m not precise, so I poured rather than used drops.  How much you use will mainly depend on how opaque you want the colour to be.

Here it is side by side with Deborah Lippmann’s Candy Shop (thanks to the PolishAholic).  I deliberately didn’t want too much glitter, purely because I can’t be arsed with the effort it takes too take it off lol, but using more Milani Gems would definitely get you there J

So, verdict? 

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