Monday 26 September 2011

Glitter Gal - Green 3D Holo

Nails I Love


Hi goddesses.

So, another holo from my super haul from LLAROWE ( and, and this one is a sneaky little beauty.

Firstly, GLITTER GAL Green has the MOST holo of any holo I have ever seen.  It is OBSCENE!  In a good way J  Seriously, this bends and shimmers so much, and I have never seen so many colours hollering in the holo rainbow later.  But I’ll come back to that.

So this is called green, but it’s only barely green.  It’s a soft dab of super light green, snuggled up like a newborn in a cashmere blanket.  This is a delicate green.  There are base notes of greige in here too to soften it down, giving it an overall warm and fuzzy feel.

When the light’s not shining, this pretty much looks like pure liquid metal on the nail.  Some indefinable colour and texture that just IS.  I’ve stared at this a lot today – trust me – and the metallic effect hits me over and over, so even when the newborn isn’t showing off, she’s still showing some special powers J

And then there’s the holo.  Wow, the holo.  I said I’d never seen as much holo before in a polish, and it’s true.  I am hoping you can see in the photos that this bends blue and purple and – wait for it – ORANGE.  Yep, the colour most dominant in this holo spectrum is ornage.  Whodda thunk ?

GLITTER GAL Green is an utterly mesmeric polish.  It’s one of those that will tempt you even though “that’s not normally my colour”. I love it’s understatedness, and for a holo, it has a lot of subtle elegance.  It reminds me of what would happen if Skull & Glossbones had some holo dropped in it.

The holo is strong with this one!  All day I’ve been thinking that, in my fake Darth Vader voice lol.  More than anything, this is holo at it’s most pure, almost as if all the colour was leeched out, and the only thing that remained was pure rainbow.

Treasure this babe, she’s special.


Top Tip – if you’re ever unsure what a nail colour looks like, go to Google images, which will give you plenty of contrasts and compares.

Nail Fun - Rawk Star mani

Nail Fun


Hi Goddesses

So, this week’s theme for PAA was Rock Star Mani, a phrase that conjures up so many glitterbombs and clashing dramatic colours J  I hadn’t quite decided what I was going to do for mine, but thought it might involve purple (obviously), glitter (obviously) and probably black shatter (which I am loving a LOT more now we’re headed for winter).

I ended up with this spectacular and I LOVES!!  I told you last post ( xxx ) how I wasn’t so keen on DS Temptation, but how eventually she redeemed herself, and this is how she did it …

I’m a big believer in playing with your mani before you take it off.  It gives you a better chance to experiment than a nail wheel and sometimes, you get an extra day out of what you are wearing.  And that’s where this one started.  My current first port of call for “hhhmm, let’s see what that looks like” is my KLEANCOLOR chunky holos, so on the left hand, I painted the thumb, middle and little finger with Chunky Holo Purple.

I LOVE how this turned out. I love the little sparkles of green and orange – they seem to add to the statements Temptation is already making.  Also, this gave Temptation a much smoother and less gritty appearance than the Poshe did …. Hhhhhmmm.

Then, I layered over the Black Shatter.  Personally, I prefer China Glaze, but whichever one you love the most is the most important factor here.

I love love love.  This reminds me of some demented black widow spider, too.  Don’t ask me why!  Maybe it’s something to do with the shatter looking a bit like a web.  Anyway, there’s something about this particular purple and the shatter that just ROCKS.

I particularly love the nails where I used the KLEANCOLOR – they’ve just got that little bit more sparkle going on.

All I know is, if I was taking to the stage wearing this, I’d feel in the perfect mood to rock out to JUST LIKE A PILL by Pink.

What are you rocking out to with your mani ??


Sunday 25 September 2011

Nail Fun - Autumn Leaves

Nail Fun


Hi Goddesses

I’ve had this mani in my mind for a couple of weeks now, ever since I did Lollipop here.   I wanted to use the same technique (cos nail art has to be simple with me in the room) to recreate a pile of autumn leaves – the sort you have to make a great big mess of if you’re wearing wellies!

And here it is.  Hhhhhm.  It’s not QUITE what I had in my head, but it’s a start.  For this I used once base coat of Zoya Dree (an olive green – see my review here).  To get the swirl you pick 3 colours and make vertical stripes on the nail (quite wet stripes) and then take a cocktail stick or dotting tool and swirl a pattern

For my colours I used Dree, COLOR CLUB Wild & Willing (an amazing metallic orange that reminds me of OPI Man of La Mancha) and the infamous Metro Chic by SEPHORA by OPI.

Something in the 3 colours doesn’t quite work for me, and I think it’s the Metro Chic – it just gets lost in the maze poor love, and barely makes a statement in any of the nails.  The orange works fabulously, and is the perfect colour for autumn, and whilst I love Dree, she dominates maybe a little too much.

I’m going to do this again in another couple of weeks, varying the colours a little.  In the meantime, if you’re as simple as I am, give this mani a go, it’s really easy and creates a cool effect.

Til next time J

Zoya - Dree

Nails I Love

ZOYA – Dree

Hi Goddesses.

A quickie from me.  This is Zoya Dree which I have just used as the base for a patterned mani.  As she’s so pretty on her own, I thought it only fair she had her own moment of glory – so here she is !  (oh and that’s why there’s still colouring outside the lines.  I didn’t clean up because I had more polish to put on).

Like all Zoyas, Dree goes on a dream (or should that be Dree-m lol).  This is just 1 coat and it’s pretty much fully opaque.

The colour is a perfect olivey dirty swampy green, and although I do not like greens, Dree is a very pretty girl indeed.

Like so many other greens that have come out in the last few months, this is very army coloured – I kept her to do a camouflage mani, but so far I’m failing BIGtime with that!

So, Dree.  Pretty much the perfect shiny deep olivey green.  Enjoy J

Top Tip – if you’re ever unsure what a nail colour looks like, go to Google images, which will give you plenty of contrasts and compares.

OPI DS Temptation

Nails I Love

OPI DS Temptation
A Tale Of 2 Halves ….

Hi goddesses.  I was really excited to snap up this pretty little beauty, and wore it on Wednesday.  Then I got caught up in my Hallowe’en challenge, and now Trace Face Philes has blogged it – and with better photos!  Grrrrr, I bow to your supremacy Traci J

Firstly, I hate this polish because it highlights my stupidity.  I thought ALL DS polishes were holos – but they’re not.  This is a glitter bomb (more on that later) but man it would have looked awesome with some holo in it.  Can you imagine, crazy violet purple holo with fuschia shimmer ?  oh I could cry ….

So, yes, DS Temptation.  I love and loathe this beauty in equal measure, often for the same reasons! The base colour is a blue toned crazy violet and cold purple and it is RAMMED with blue, fuschia and purple glitter.  The effect is almost overpowering, it is THAT crazy on the nail.

I have included a LOT of photos in this post, because it really is hard to find JUST ONE that captures everything about this polish.  The colours in it are intensely wild and deep, and the glitterometer is off the scale.   You’ll notice how gritty some of the nails look – and this was after 2 coats of Poshe.

DS Temptation literally sizzles with electricity – you can almost see the volts creating the glitter before your eyes.  There’s also quite a lot of timelessness going on with this glitter – it looks like a galaxy on the nail, layers and layers of glittering crowding over each other to create a cosmic overload of dazzle.

I like that this purple is almost feral – it’s wild, it’s elemental, there’s nothing civilised about it at all.  It’s one of the coldest purples I’ve seen in a long time, and the purple is always braided with violet and blue to add to its chilly density.

This is one of OPI’s best polishes in an otherwise dull year, and it’s a shame it’s getting lost in all the hype and saliva ahead of the Muppets Collection.  Whilst I am sure there are at least a couple of Nubar’s this is similar to, it’s nice to see OPI trying to wow the crowd rather than the incredibly safe play they’ve indulged in this year.

The moment I put it on, I was in love.  This polish is wild, intense, dramatic, outrageous – it’s a cabaret in a bottle.  But, the longer I wore it, the less I loved it.  I could still marvel at its impact, but it looked more and more neon to me as the day wore on, and I don’t do neon.  The purple started to fade away, leaving too much electricity in it’s place, and I fell out of love with it.

Also on the negative side, as you might imagine, this was a BITCH to remove.  Because the glitter is fine and dense it just dries like concrete – there is no other way but to soak it off.

However, as I said at the top, this is a tale of 2 halves, and you’ll have to come back tomorrow to find out What Debbie Did Next and how DS Temptation redeemed itself.


Top Tip – if you’re ever unsure what a nail colour looks like, go to Google images, which will give you plenty of contrasts and compares.

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