Thursday 21 June 2012

Stash Week - The Monos

Hi Goddesses

Today is the turn of what I call my Mono Box.  It's mainly stuff I use for art, but there are a couple of polishes in here I would wear for a mani.  As you'll see it's all blacks, whites, greys, beiges, taupes, silvers and golds.

Here's the box ....

And let's play!

some sexy silvers incl a couple of holos

the taupes - all of these are for art though why I have so many ... I DON'T KNOW !! lol

random whites and off whites which get used for art - the peach is for faces !

the pale greys and some of these are SERIOUSLY gorgeous - OPI Give Me The Moon is my fave

half of these get worn for manis, the others are for bases

some blacks - art work only

CC Revvvolution, which I rarely use and 3 black glitters which I never use lol

strange buggers, these.  CC Worth The Risque is on the left, and the others are similar - they are pinkish biscuity colours.  Random.

some lovely colours here from CG Fast Track on the left to Nails Inc Porchester Square in the middle and another SH fave on the right.

the posh ones.

the golds, rarely opened :)

And there you go.  I also need your help Crumpeteers :)  I am searching for a cream coloured polish that is opaque - any suggestions ?

Lots of love, and tomorrow ..... IT'S THE BOX OF SEXINESSSSSS !!!  YAY !!!!!  xx
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