Wednesday 24 December 2014

KBShimmer - A Year in 2 Polishes

Hi Goddesses

We started this Christmas series with one of THE Leaders of the Pack (Girly Bits), and we end it with the other Leader, KBShimmer.   Christy just goes from strength to strength and can seemingly do no wrong.  There's not a single collection she releases which isn't filled with wow and wonder.  As she waits to find out whether she is The Crumpet Readers' favourite indie brand for the 3rd year in a row, Christy gives us a glimpse of the 2 polishes which made her year.

Best Selling Polish


My best selling polish is still Oh Splat! It is by far our top seller, along with Snow Much Fun and Rollin' With The Chromies.



Favourite Polish You've Released This Year


My favorite polish that we released this year is Hexy Bikini. I just love holographic glitters, and Hexy Bikini is jam packed with them!

 Our winter launches are always a fan favorite and very successful. This year Spring was also huge. We launched our first cream polishes at that time, and they were quick to be loved. So we have continued to expand that line.
Our launch of vinyl nail decals also brought a great summer. Really, it has been a year of new and great things over here!

Wanna follow KBShimmer?

Gotta Buy KBShimmer

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