Sunday 21 December 2014

25 Days of Bloggers - The Lacquerologist

Hi Goddesses

Do you follow The Lacquerologist?   If you don't, you really should, and here's why -

- awesome swatches - incl "drugstore" brands

- super simple nail art

- lots of extras, especially nail care

- a really varied content

Here's Emily, in her own words - 

The Lacquerologist focuses primarily on nail art and polish reviews, as well as nail care, bath & body, and beauty products. 

Emily's has been a blog I've loved for about 18months now.   She puts out an amazing amount of content and is also The Round-Up Queen!  What drew her to me was her super simple looking nail art - and like me, she also has an affinity for things that look messy AND artful.   Oh and she just wrote a book.  As you do.



Wanna follow Emily?

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