Wednesday 24 December 2014

#52WPNMC: Grey - Literary Lacquers Attic Mice meets the MoYou Cookbook

Hi Goddesses

Ok, I apologise, this could not BE any less festive if Chandler Bing himself had made it lol, but I am behind, and this NEEDS to be posted!!

This mani is for the grey prompt of the 52 Week Challenge.  I am a little shocked as that means it's actually one of this week's prompts!!  Ka and Booooom!

The base is the lovely soft grey of Attic Mice by Literary Lacquers, a super soft holo, which does indeed remind me of mice!

Now, this is where I thought I was all clever.   When I buy MoYou plates, I always buy the ones with the larger images.  However, when the Cookbook series was released a couple of weeks ago, the plate with the smaller images (04) featured some cool Barista swirls which reminded me of watermarbles!

As I can't water marble to save my life, the lights of a thousand stars illuminated me and ... yeh, they still don't quite fit on my nails  :(

Worse, I tried to hide the "really don't fit" with some double stamping on my thumb, turning that into something of a mess.  Whoops.

I still like the idea - I'll just have to save it for Super Nubs Day lol.

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