Friday 4 October 2013

#33DC - Day 6 - Texture

Hi Goddesses

Today's prompt is texture, and really, can you believe how Texture has taken the nail world by storm this year?  I'll be honest, I didn't expect it to have the legs it has had, but I'm mighty thankful it's done so well, as these polishes are awesome for nail art.

First though, the base, which is another Lilypad Lacquer lovely - this one is called Indigo Love, and she's splendid.

This is a deep denim holo, subtle but gorgeous, although for me, it leaned more blue than expected.  In the bottle, it had more purple elements to it, but it didn't want to go that way on my nail.  Lovely though, truly lovely.

I then decided to go for a simple tape mani as I have had the poorly week from hell, and layered over the holo with Wharf! Wharf! Wharf!, one of the Liquid Sands from the OP San Francisco Collection.

In some lights, I loved the subtlety of this mani.  Very elegant, very imperceptible.  And in other lights, I was slightly disappointed by how high class it looked :/

WWW dries a LOT darker than the bottle, as you can see - it dries very close to navy, and is super classy as a result.  I was disappointed the holo didn't assert itself more, but hey, you can't win them all!

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