Saturday 27 April 2013

Review - Barry M Confetti Polishes

Hi Goddesses

When Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote the words, "How do I love thee, let me count the ways", little did she imagine that one day those "ways" would include a Crumpet swatching hairy glitter for her beloved Barry M.

Siiiiigh.  I HATE hairy glitter, hate it.  With a passion.  Could pick up a knife and go eeek eeeeek eeeeeek on it hate.  And yet this year, the dreaded hairy glitter has seen a resurgence, not only through indie polishes, but China Glaze, Nails Inc and now - YUP - Barry.

So, being a good Crumpet, I sucked it up.  Here they are, and I even tried to art with them a little, just so that you could see how "flexible" they are.   If you want to read about how gorgeous they are, you're gonna have to go and find another blog post, but if you want some cool photos and some factual descriptions, then join me :)

Liquorice is the black and white one.  It reminds me of those horrible midges you get in the summer.  Other than that, it's probably the most adaptable of the 3.

It reminded me of a tiger for some reason, so I layered it over Barry M Block Orange.  All the patterns were done with the polish brush.  Luckily, the bars of glitter are small enough and dense enough that you can do these things - you just need to load your brush first.

Marshmallow is the pink one, but barely.  It looks white everywhere except in the bottle lol.  It's a super albino pink, and it's layered here over Barry M Mint Green and Berry Ice Cream.

The argyle-ish pattern on the thumb was surprisingly easy.  I also wore this mani matte, and I really like it that way.

Finally, Dolly Mixture, the multi-coloured one.  In here you have peach, lemon, blue.  What's interesting is how different it looks over the 2 bases - Barry M Cyan Blue and Shocking Pink.   

The pink is my favourite - something about it just looks fabulous.  It seems to lose one of its colours against the blue.  It doesn't, of course, but it's an interesting optical illusion.

I didn't love any of these because my hatred is stubborn, but Liquorice has potential.  I was very smitten with my tiger, and he MAY be making a full appearance later this weekend :)

All of these polishes applied easily.  There was no fishing, and it was easy to load or unload your brush, depending on the effect you're after.    The brush is also thin enough that you can pattern freehand.

These polishes will go on sale at the beginning of June, together with a green one and a blue one.  

Enjoy xx :)

These polishes were sent to me for an honest review.

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