Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year - Stormy Skies

PAM’S GIRLY BITS – Stormy Skies

Hi Goddesses - Happy New Year !!!

Wow, I cannot tell you HOW good it is to do a mani I want to do rather than another Christmas Challenge lol.

How are we all?  Did your NYE rock ?  I hope so, and here’s to a great year, even if the Mayans think it is our last!

I bought this ages ago, and sorry, it’s taken me an age to get round to it.  Pam Heil makes her own polishes under her Pam’s Girly Bits brand.  She released her first collection of 6 polishes in October.  I chose 2 sparkly pinky purple things (biiiig surprise) but also this beauty, which I hoped would calm my Illamasqua Raindrops lemming.

THIS is Stormy Skies, and she is utterly beautiful.  There is an old fashioned quality to her that I really like.  She’s ornate, and belongs in a stately home amongst gold bathroom fittings and LOTS of pearls.

A lot of her beauty is from her base colour.  This pale blue is built on a duck egg blue and has a lovely murkiness to it.  And THEN there are all these little bits of fairy dust swirling around.  Teeny tiny holographic particles within the polish!  As the layers build up, these taken on an electric baby turquoise quality, adding real depth to the polish.

I love this lots.  I’ve especially loved how it matched my jewellery lol, not that that’s important, but sometimes, these things *really* matter lol …..

Now, there are 2 slight drawbacks to this polish.  If I’d known about them beforehand, they might have had an impact, but let me tell you, now that I HAVE the polish, they make not 1 jot of difference –

The bottle is SMALL.  5ml.  That’s smaller than Glitter Gal and 1/3 of an OPI or China Glaze.

It’s also quite sheer (as I guess this colour needs to be) and as I needed 3 layers …. You can do the maths.  So next time, I am definitely layering it over CG Sea Spray.

Most of the girls who make their own polishes use these really dinky bottles, and I understand why – my advice is check the size of the bottle before you buy.  Hopefully, as they get more successful, they will offer bigger bottle sizes – I would definitely pay an OPI price for 15ml of this beauty.

Finally, my Picture Polish FESTIVAL arrived today, so I thought I may as well try it before I took this mani off.  Well, I didn’t expect it to look this wow!

It’s hard to tell in these photos, but FESTIVAL has a lot of peach coloured flakies, and a bit like GITA, peach and pale blue is just a total winner.

I’ll be showing you Pam’s other 2 polishes that I bought in the next couple of weeks, both nude, and with underwear lol, as well as 4 polishes I picked up from Chelsea McDonnell’s Etsy store, Pretty and Polished.

Enjoy xx J


Top Tip – if you’re ever unsure what a nail colour looks like, go to Google images, which will give you plenty of contrasts and compares.

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