Sunday 1 January 2012

2012 - Hopes, Predictions and A Bucket List!

Hi  Goddesses

Welcome to the New Year, and if we are to believe the Mayans, it could be our last, so best go out with a bang, eh?

I decided a few days ago to do a Bucket List for my nail polish year - the things I would like to achieve - and also to list the things I am really looking forward to.

So, first of all, The Predictions / Things I Am Looking Forward To
* 2012 will be The Year of The Flakie, no doubt
* I cannot WAIT for OPI's Holland Collection and all that flecking and shimmering
* for the first time ever, even Essie looks ooooooohey to me
* China Glaze - holy triple whammy.  I know a lot of you are freaking out about The Hunger Games, me, my eye is on the Prismatics and the Magnetix
* A England will have a new Collection out
* Glitter Gal have some new beauties on the way
* and finally, those Zoya fairies keep mentioning that H word .... man, if Zoya did holos .... they would be the best EVER

And so to my Bucket List.  I pondered whether to keep it private, but I decided to "put it out there" for a few reasons.
1.  Cosmic Ordering - I am a big believer that if you tell the Universe what you want, it will find a way to help you
2.  by sharing it, it deepens the commitment, and I know some of you will nag me / cheer me on
3.  Me?  keep it private ?  pah!  lol

So here it is.  By this time next year (or when we die our Mayan death) The Crumpet 
* will have at least 1000 blog followers and 500 Facebook Followers
* will have shown a variety of posts, with the emphasis on quality rather than quantity (quantity is soooooo 2011)
* I will have become a Stamping Goddess
* I will be adept enough to do credible tutorials
* I will stick to my recent rule of the 2 day mani - wear it plain for one day if you must, but tart it up on Day 2 or else!
* Pinterest - I am loving Pinterest.  I only joined it recently, but I'm finding it a great way to keep inspirational photos and wishlists organised.  If you want to, you can also follow me on Pinterest - 
* expand the blog - I want a few more tabs and "stuff"
* make the Facebook page a community.  That's not really happening yet, and I'd love that page to have a lot more on it from YOU

I also want to be able to master certain things - 
* stamping
* chevrons
* tape manis
* funky french manis
* plaid manis
* water marbling
* needle marbling
* half moon manis
* skittles
* more frankens
* gradient manis
* glitter gradients
* checked nails

And that's my starter for 2012.  This will be pinned on my nailboard in the nail room.

Here's to an inspirational year, and a new chandelier !

Enjoy xx :)
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