Monday 2 January 2012

Essie Luxeffects

Hi Goddesses

So, today is a bit of a special day.  I started a new job, it's a new year and it's the 3rd, which means it make so much sense to do 1 extra post today .....

Da da dah!   This is my 300th post ladies.  Wow, 300 seems like such a LOT of writing, and such a lot of nail polish remover!  It's not all been nails, nails, nails on the blog, but 95% of it is.  

I wanted to do something special for this post, and was racking my meagre brain, and then  I remembered that I had this post all ready to roll - it just needed writing.  This was the result of 2 days of pure fun and lots of Oooooh and Aaaaah during the Christmas holidays :)

My father calls me a magpie. Anything shiny shiny or sparkly, and I'm THERE, and special nail polishes drop RIGHT into that category!

My lovely friend Emma was kind enough to pick up 3 of the Essie Luxeffects for me (I didn't want the glitters as I have loads of similars .... OMG did you hear that ?  I think I just grew as a person!), and the only thing I wanted to do with them once I got them was try them over all SORTS of different colours for future awareness.

So - that's what you're going to get.  Lots of photos - and there are some KILLERS in here.  In every photo, the same Essie is on the same nail -

From Left to Right
* ring = Shine of the Times - flakie, similar to Nubar 2010
* middle = As Gold As It Gets - gold topcoat
* index finger = Pure Pearlfection - an icy bluey top coat

Let the photos roll !!

First up we have OPI's I'm Suzi and I'm A Chocaholic, a wonderful brick red

These all work quite well, with As Gold As It Gets (middle finger) probably my faovurite.

Next we have Color Club's Jack n Jill, a hot pink.

Shine of the Times (left) is probably my favourite here.

Then over a blue - the divine turquoise of A-England Galahad -

All 3 are winners for me, though again, Shine of The Times possibly has the edge.

A couple of pastels now - firstly A-England's lilac wonder, Guinevere -

Hmmmm, not so much love for me on this one - I feel too much of the lilac bled away.  

Then over Zoya Dove -

I assumed the silver of Pure Pearlfection would be a hands down winner here, but As Gold As It Gets pushes it hard.

Now, perhaps my favourite combination of all - over CG Life Preserver -

Isn't this just SUBLIIIIIIIIIME ?   I love this!  And I love all of them.  Equally.  For someone who hated orange polish, I cannot wait to be wearing this all through summer :)

Now over a darker polish.  I didn't want to be obvious and choose black so I chose Color Club Ready to Royal, a blackened purple / crimson.

This really allows SOTT to glow, but again, the Gold challenges hard.

Another amazing combo now - CG Glittering Garland - wow!

Love them all - sensational.

Next, SOPI Metro Chic - 

I think this adds a lot of mystery to Metro Chic, though I can't quite pick a favourite.

And finally, another goodie - Barry M Bright Purple -

Wow wow wow - again, I LOVE all three.

So which was your favourite?  What have you tried that I haven't?  Personally, I'm preferring them over brights, but I think the most amazing thing is their versatility AND how versatile they make a polish.

If you've not got these or some other flakies or flecks yet, DOOOOO - they're a great way to pep up a day 2 mani, or add an effortless dash of magic to an old favourite.

Enjoy xxx :)

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