Sunday 25 November 2012

Haul !

Hi Goddesses

Welcome to a HUGE haul post!  Sadly, this is probably the last one you will see like this for a long time.  Times are tough and I'm not going to be able to spend as much money on polish anymore - HOWEVER that does mean there will be more blog sales as I clear out stuff I don't use to allow me to purchase new shinies :)

In the Readers Poll comment, someone said they would like me to be more specific about where things came from, so I'll try to do that.  Finally, this haul is at least 2 months worth of crazy lol.  

So, let's look first at the precious babies that were sent to me for review.  Firstly - these pretties from The Polish Bar, an Etsy store.

I love Darling Diva polishes and have bought ahem quite a ahem few.  Carrie then sent me 3 babies to review (her store is on Etsy).

I ordered my DRK-C plate from Ninja Polish, and at the same time, Rhonni asked me to review these 3 astounding glitterbombs.

Overall Beauty asked me to review these 2 polishes -

Glitzology is a new Etsy store - she asked me to review these 2 polishes.

Now on to the swaps.  I am lucky to know some amazing ladies, and these are some of the beyond mind-blowing swap packages I received.  They all came with sweeties and extras, but Beth has attended to those lol.   Firstly, I swapped OPI Mad As A Hatter with Gina, who also makes Red Dog polishes - so she sent me some of her babies which she sells on Big Cartel.

I did a huge swap with the Canadian Nail Fanatic who got me the F4 Halloween Collex - F4 is an Etsy store with great polishes but which sadly doesn't ship to the UK.

Hocus Pocus, Green Goblin & Monster Mash.

Krazy Korn, Nightmare Forest, Boo To You.

She also got me a stamping plate I wanted from Llarowe and a couple of extra shinies!!

A teeny tiny indie swap with Jacki - we both had something the other wanted to try!  This is Nail'd It Just Per Flake which is sold on Llarowe.

The lovely Kelly scored me my first GlitterDaze (again from Etsy) and added to it some other amazing polishes I had been lemming.

Halo, My White Lighter, Vanquishing Demons

Then I received an unexpected birthday pressie - I thought I'd received everything from my birthday group, but then this little package of loveliness arrived :)

I did a big swap with Katee last month and then she found something else on my wish list, so she sent me these babies :)

It's almost Christmas, so a lot of Facebook Groups I'm in are doing Secret Santas.  The lovely Marnie sent me these babies, including Nail'd It Dragon Scales which I have been lemming for a while.

And at this point I think I'm going to pause, and do all the polishes I bought in a separate post.

It's interesting how the mind of a polishaholic works, cos I consider all the above polishes free.  After all I didn't pay for any of them.  What the obsessed mind overlooks however, is that for every awesome swap, there was an equivalent package going back the other way lol.   Ah, but swapping is SUCH fun.

Catch you later with part 2 - enjoy xx :)
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