Tuesday 6 November 2012

Digit-al Dozen DOES Music - Glee

Hi Goddesses

I was determined this week that I wasn't going to do a random bunch of manis just because they were simple.  I wanted to do something about what music means to me, and how it makes me feel, and NOTHING accomplishes that like Glee.

Glee is my weekly dose of happy.  Seriously, if I could take Glee pills every day, instead of anti-depressants, I would be  awesome !!  Glee just embodies so much for me - hope, insecurity, love conquers all, passion, yearning.  It's all there.  With great tunes, and a few tears.

I became a Gleek right at the start, and despite a bit of dodginess in Series 2, I've loved it.  For my mani, I chose to replicate the pop art style ads they do, with the logo against a contrasting background.

Oh and that's supposed to be a hairbrush on my thumb, because above all, Glee just makes me want to sing.

So, what are my Top 10 most played Glee tracks on my ipod ???  Weeellll .... (and it's worth noting that some of my very favourite Glee tracks never made it onto the albums).

10.  Teenage Dream - I remember my jaw dropping as I watched Blaine and The Warblers perform this accapella

9.  Give You Hell - this is Beth's favourite!

8.  Raise Your Glass - pure anthemic awesome

7.  And I Am Telling You - if I could sing, I'd like to sing this

6.  Someone Like You / Rumour Has It - what a mash-up, what a routine.  2 gut wrenching songs that shouldn't mesh, but do, in all their incandescent agony

And the Top 5 ....

5.  Go Your Own Way - I'm not a Mac fan, but I love Rachel's version of this, as well as Quinn's face as she watches her sing it!

4.    How Will I Know - I adore accapella, and this was stunning

3.  Forget You - man this SWINGS!  Love love LOVE this - Gwyneth actually rocks - who knew?!

2.   Rolling In The Deep - stunning vocals, and epic swagger from Jesse St James

And my ALL time fave Glee song ??

Shake It Out, from Series 3, sung in stunning accapella to Coach Beeste as haunting flashbacks reveal she has taken her abusive husband back.   Epic vocals, epic.

And then just for fun, I slushied my mani !!!

Enjoy xx :) and let me know your favourite Glee song too xxx

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