Thursday 27 October 2011

Zombie Snot - you asked for it!

Nails I Love

FRANKENING ….. Zombie Snot !!  Achoooo!

Hi Goddesses

A couple of weeks ago, I posted my Zombie Blood mani for PAA, and quite a few people (the legendary Nail Nerd included) commented that it also looked a lot like a zombie had sneezed on my nails J  Beth found this hilarious, and when we next sat down to franken, her only answer to the question of “what shall we make” was “Zombie Snot” !

Lol .. I’d love to blame it all on her, really I would, but I, the adult, was with her every step of the way J  You can see the concoction is quite transparent on the nail, like real snot, and the glitter *could* be bogies, right ?

We started with an opalescent Essence mini varnish and added about 5 drops of China Glaze Starboard to it.  I’m really pleased how this blended – exactly the right sort of gruesome colour.  We then added a gulp of 2 KleanColors – Peaceful Heart (a clear greeny jelly with large glitter peces) and Firework, an intense glitterbomb of gold, turquoise and orange.

I then played around some more, as you do, and layered the snot over some greeny colours – OPI Stranger Tides, Starboard, Zoya Dree and Color Club Twiggie.

I really like how it turned out as a layering polish.

So what’s your favourite – Zombie Snot, or Zombie Blood lol ?

Enjoy xx achooo J


Top Tip – if you’re ever unsure what a nail colour looks like, go to Google images, which will give you plenty of contrasts and compares.

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