Hi Goddesses
So, last year, on 1st January, I posted my bucket list for the year - all the things I wanted to accomplish in a blogging sense. Much like the Best Polishes of 2011, I thought it would be fun to look back and see if any of it came true :) Ready ?
Ooooh, doing quite well here. As of this morning, 1692 on the blog and 1432 on Facebook. Achieved !
* will have shown a variety of posts, with the emphasis on quality rather than quantity (quantity is soooooo 2011)
Weeeellll, I DO show a variety of posts, which is one of the things you tell me you love about The Crumpet, but yeh, still too much on the quantity. I am still planning to change that!
* I will have become a Stamping Goddess
Hhhhmmm. My stamping has improved TONS, literally. I don't think I would call myself a goddess though as I still do more imperfect stamping manis than perfect ones, but it's definitely getting better.
* I will be adept enough to do credible tutorials
Posssssibly .... I really really want to, but man they're time consuming. Plus, I am not prepared to do the whole YouTube bit. Lighting is my biggest issue here - it's crap in the nail room, so doing tutorials involves going up and down the stairs 11 times lol. Still on the list. (Oh and I also need YOU to tell me what you want to see).
* I will stick to my recent rule of the 2 day mani - wear it plain for one day if you must, but tart it up on Day 2 or else!
Yep, Recycled Nails has been my big hit of 2012. Over achieved on this one!
* Pinterest - I am loving Pinterest. I only joined it recently, but I'm finding it a great way to keep inspirational photos and wishlists organised. If you want to, you can also follow me on Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/thecrumpet/
Yeh, I am feeling a bit over pinterest now. Is that because you never go back and look at what you've pinned? Er, possibly :(
* expand the blog - I want a few more tabs and "stuff"
Well yes, and then no. To the reader who reminds me at least once a month, the stash tab STILL isn't working lol. I started Indie Corner and then realised how much work it would be and er sort of ummm, stopped. Lol. I have great ideas, but then can't be arsed to always follow through - sorry!
* make the Facebook page a community. That's not really happening yet, and I'd love that page to have a lot more on it from YOU
Well this is an interesting one. I don't particularly get the community vibe from The Crumpet's page, but I do get it from all the other groups I run, which I know are just as important to some of you as the blog itself. So this is probably a yes, but in a very different way to how I envisioned.
I also want to be able to master certain things -
* stamping - getting there
* chevrons - erm, not done much here
* tape manis - yes
* funky french manis - noooo
* plaid manis - nooooo lol !!
* water marbling - no, but some recent progress
* needle marbling - no, crap at this
* half moon manis - I think I've done one
* skittles - yes, but seriously, there is no effort involved. Maybe that's why I'm so good at it!
* more frankens - no, I'm over frankens. Unfortunately, Beth isn't yet
* gradient manis - yes
* glitter gradients - no, still not really done this - I'm scared of wasting good glitter
* checked nails - no lololol
So, did it work ? I think so. The point of the Bucket List is partly to give yourself a sense of direction, and it definitely did that. I think it helped me identify where I needed to improve, and it certainly focussed me. Will I be doing it again next year? No. I am honestly not sure what my goals are for 2013 other than to just be more credible and BETTER.
Love xxx :)