Sunday 9 December 2012

Best of 2012 - Red Polishes

Hi Goddesses

I hope you're enjoying these Best of posts.  I've had a lot of fun making them, and I love reading these types of post myself.

This is the red post.  I feel it's hard to be a sensational red polish.  I feel the options are more limited, partly because the colour span is narrower than say, a blue.  That said, there have been some stunners released this year, but it's left me wondering where else there is left to go for Reds - even this year, I've bought a lot of dupes (especially of red glitters), so I think the polish makers have a real challenge for those of us looking to expand our reds and be wowed.

As ever, click on the polish name to go directly to the original blog post.

This is MY personal NerdLacquer fave.  Stunning, but as you can see, my bottle has settled a lot.  I'm guessing this was made during the Great Suspension Base Crisis lol.  Truly diffferent, and the black glitter just MAKES it.

Argh, I love this one SO hard.  Beautiful.  I've described this before as very retro.  It's got that 1950s/60's kitchen accessories colour going on lol, AND just the shimmeriest gentlest tinge of holo.  LOVE THIS LOTS.

I think this was probably the red most people lusted after this year.  A fabulous jelly littered with little black glitter / strawberry seeds, this was truly different.  Simple yet effective.

Oooooh, flying in from the dark side, this is AMAZING.   Dark, succulent, delicious.  This is everything a vamp needs in the winter.  LOVE.

A fabulously intense red glitter, this is rich enough to layer over pretty much any colour without losing its own sense of fun.   Best "just red" glitter.

This is one of those polishes that just stopped me in my tracks this year.  Red, silver and black have been TO DEATH in 2012, but never better than this.

And so to the non-glitters.   This really proves for me how difficult it is to do something "new" - only 3 polishes make my list.

This is just the perfect bright red - I said when this was released that every collection should own this polish, and I still think that.  Perfect red glossiness.

Just when you think you've seen it all, a polish stops your world.  The red holo to rule them all, this caused more drool than most this year.  Amazeballs.

These polishes were virtually identical, and in the end I decided to keep the OPI as I prefer the brush.  This is electric red.  Intense, glowy and shimmer-laced.  Win.

So which reds lit up your world this year ?

Enjoy xx :)
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