Thursday 10 May 2012

Independents Week - NerdLacquer - Nebula

Hi Goddesses  

Another Nerd.  Siiiiiigh.  Sometimes, something can be so beautiful, that even *I* am lost for words.  Goddesses - behold Nebula ........

This is one of the most gorgeous polishes I own.   It's burgenta (a bit burgundy, a bit magenta), it's rammed with glitter, it has holo sparkle AND it's not even gritty.  I don't know HOW that's even possible - so much glitter, and not an ounce of grittiness.

So, let's start with the formula.  For such an intense polish, the formula on this is outstanding.  This is 2 coats, totally opaque, no application issues whatsoever, and as I said, no grittiness.

The base colour is that indefinable burgenta shade that I love - it's not burgundy, not red, not purple, not magenta, but it has elements of all of them.  It's a bit like an exotic fruit chutney - a mixture of raspeberry jelly, blackcurrant, a little bit of plum.  

The glitter in the polish is amazing.  It's laden with red and violet pieces, and then there's the holographic twinkle, giving off sparks of yellow, blue, green and orange, making this a total fairyfest on the nail.

This is everything I hoped Butter London Black Knight would be (but wasn't).  The base is beautiful, the base isn't overly dark, and more importantly, the polish doesn't feel like grit.  I don't know how she did it, but this feels as smooth as a baby's bottom on the nail.

I tried to take these photos in as many different lights as possible to try and show you the myriad beauty of this polish.  And no, your eyes do NOT deceive you, you are indeed seeing some English sunshine (hence the outdoor pics).  This means the photos were taken about 5 or 6 weeks ago, and no, we haven't seen sun since.   Frankly, the rain can do one.

I can hand on heart say that every Nerd I have bought has been an artistic delight - they genuinely are works of art.  The sad news is that Mrs Nerd (Amanda) has disappeared of late.  Initially she had posted that this was due to moving house, but now her lack of contact is worrying, and it's been quite a while since anyone last really heard from her. Hopefully, she's just dealing with "life" - certainly her talent is too precious to lose.

So, I can't direct you to her Etsy store, as it's not operational anymore, but for now, enjoy this post, and as soon as any of us know more, believe me, you'll know - you'll hear the squeals in outer space! xxx :)

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