Saturday 8 November 2014

Darling Diva Polish - The Witchee Collection - The Alchemist

Hi Goddesses

And welcome to the weekend!  It is pure England over here today - rain, rain and more rain.  I hope one reader, somewhere, has a nice balmy day to look forward to.

A couple of weeks ago I was sent the new Darling Diva collection for review, and it's now unloosing on the blog!  However, because it is SO special, I am going to show you each polish one by one - and it's a long time since I've done that with a collection.

Before I tell you more about this amazing red polish you're looking at, a note about the whole collection - IT ROCKS.   Seriously.  There is a faint metallic element to each of these holos which lifts them into the stratoshpere.  It makes them brighter, shinier and Oh-My-God-ier, and .... they blew me away.  All of them.  Even the greens.

So, The Alchemist.  Isn't it just INCREDIBLE?  It *might* be the best red holo that I now own, and seriously, I just couldn't stop staring at it.  So much so that I couldn't even bear to nail art over it.  I just wanted to drink it in in all its splendour.

This is one wowzer of a polish - if you're still on your Holy Grail for the perfect red holo, look no further.  This one will blow your eyeballs out.

This polish was sent to me for an honest review and can be purchased HERE.

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