Saturday 15 November 2014

#52WPNMC 3 Shades of Blue with Different Dimension Heavenly Waters

Hi Goddesses

Phew what a week!  Well, what a fortnight.  I have been really exhausted, so much so that I haven't put even half the time into blogging that I normally do.  Hence I have a little backlog, starting with this mani which should have been posted on 6th November.

The #52WPNMC prompt for this mani was 3 Shades of Blue, and I knew I wanted to use the prompt to try some tweed nails for the first time.

I started with a base of Heavenly Waters by Different Dimension.   This is a lovely medium blue holo - not quite as cobalt and bright as some, but lovely nevertheless.

The colour is rich, but not too obnoxious, making it a good multi-use polish.

For my tweed colours I picked another Different Dimension polish - Pluto Is Still A Planet To Me - and one of the China Glaze The Giver polishes - Intelligence Integrity and Courage.

This was my mistake - Pluto shouldn't have been the middle  polish.  Don't get me wrong, it's gorgeous, but it's not massively opaque.  It's also crammed with shimmery gorgeousness, and that just did not translate well in the nail art.

I ended up going back in with Heavenly Waters to mix up the pattern a bit more, and whilst I don't hate the final version, it's also not as pretty as I hoped it would be.

So then, just for kicks I stamped over it with ANOTHER blue polish (a Konad) and a circuit-board type pattern from MoYou Sci Fi 09.

I think it looks better WITH the stamping, purely because the blue is a better shade for complimenting the holo and the CG.

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